Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reflection Emerging Technologies

Over the past several weeks of this course I have come to realize that technology in education has endless possibilities. The new emerging technologies that are filtering into the learning environment are a bit overwhelming at times and for a digital immigrant like myself, I found it hard to realize that technology is and will be an intragel part of my students now and in the future. I must adopt the reality of it all and accept the challenge ahead of me if I want to be the best at my field and for the education of my life-long learners. When I chose technology to recieve a Master's in, I knew it would be difficult and frustrating at times but if I want my 21st century students to be the best they can be, I have to be able to demonstrate and model 21st technology and implement it my lesson and their learning. I am very pleased that this course allowed me to research some new ideas on how to approach some new methods and technologies that will be benefical for all types of learners. I really enjoyed this course and it set my mind at ease a bit knowing I was already have been using an emerging technology with my game playing in my lessons. I do though have a long way to go and so does the district I teach in. The finacial set backs that public education has taken in Michigan out weigh the gains. It will be up to individuals to find grants to suppliment the cost of educational needs and technology. I hope in the near future to start asking for grant money to provide my learners with the best possible chance to use what they know about technology and amend my lessons to provide them with a 21st century learning environment.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Differentiated Reflection

Throughout this course the idea or theory of differentiated instruction and universal design has made me aware of how each student can be taught at various levels in a diverse learning environment. The challange that I face is with the implementation of technology with these learning strategies and concepts. It is going to be difficult at my school to add technology because of the lack of technology and funding. Our school is the 3rd high school in the district. We are at the bottom of list when it comes to educational support and resources. We have the 1% of the students that these two schools do not want. So the implementation of technology will take some time and patience.

I like the idea of differentiated instruction because we do have a diverse culture and our students have many different needs. To make the curriculum fit to my students it takes time and these strategies can improve my teaching ability. This can not only make me a better teacher but also a better student of education. The more weapons I have in my arsenal the better I can attack and make quality life long learners and positve members of our community.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Reflection GAME Plan

  • As I reflect on the GAME plan that I have developed and followed throughout the course, I have come to realize that there are many options avenues and approaches to integrate technology into my class room. Technology is a huge asset to have in your back pocket to broaden the knowledge base for all students. The technological networking is a fantastic way to involve students socially and academically. These 21st century learners are accustomed using technology to communicate and what a better way to involve students by using a learning tool such as a wiki or blogging or another networking idea to get students involved. As I summarize any of the new learning that resulted from my following GAME plan, I need to explain the impact of my new learning has had on my instructional practice. As I worked through this class I found myself researching the internet and processing plenty of information and data that could improve my curriculum and lessons. The biggest road block that I found was I am unable at this time to use these ideas or lessons because of our districts lack of funding and technology. It is a shame that our state will not commit to education and the funding of our public schools along with the improvement in technological resources. It is impossible to even think about using all of these wonderful ideas from my classmates and this course to improve my lessons because of the lack of resources.

  • Sunday, February 21, 2010

    GAME plan week 7

    As I was researching video storytelling this week for our unit assignment, I ran across some interesting ideas if you the means and the technology. My biggest complaint about my Game plan I think is our schools lack of concern for our 21st century learners and their use of technology. Our district is so far behind it is disgusting. In our lab we only have 16 stations and those are continually occupied with credit recovery classes and English. At no time can I or other elective teachers have the opportunity to use the lab. In our building we still have chalk boards. That is a real hoot. So to ask my students to even try to use technology for learning is a joke. Yes I venting. Number one because I always forget about this blog and the other is I would love to do some digital storytelling because it is a great way for students to express themselves and learn the content material. This whole unit is dream a dream along with my GAME plan. I could continue to dream about what could be, but reality says it may never be. The kids are the ones in the end that are missing out but I know if and when our state and district pulls its head out of its behind then I will be well prepared to advance in technology in my classroom.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    GAME Plan Week 6

    As I continue to compile research upon constructing my GAME plan for instruction, I took a good look at concept mapping. I am a big fan of this learning tool. I have used concept mapping for some time now, but with a technological inhancement. I was researching the web and found there are many good sites and programs that make mapping fun and instructional as well. These sites allow students to be creative and these sites also give students the opportunity learn material in an organized fashion. A concept is given and students must break it down into detail and allows them the freedom to be creative at the same time. I am a big fan when students add pictures. These visual learners like myself, can create many maps by expressing what they know through pictures and not just words.
    Given my own personal goals for improving my technology, I would definetly like to see myself continue to break my own inhibitions and dive right in. I am still a bit aprehensive when it comes to technology and I would like to become an explorer not just a follower.