Sunday, February 21, 2010

GAME plan week 7

As I was researching video storytelling this week for our unit assignment, I ran across some interesting ideas if you the means and the technology. My biggest complaint about my Game plan I think is our schools lack of concern for our 21st century learners and their use of technology. Our district is so far behind it is disgusting. In our lab we only have 16 stations and those are continually occupied with credit recovery classes and English. At no time can I or other elective teachers have the opportunity to use the lab. In our building we still have chalk boards. That is a real hoot. So to ask my students to even try to use technology for learning is a joke. Yes I venting. Number one because I always forget about this blog and the other is I would love to do some digital storytelling because it is a great way for students to express themselves and learn the content material. This whole unit is dream a dream along with my GAME plan. I could continue to dream about what could be, but reality says it may never be. The kids are the ones in the end that are missing out but I know if and when our state and district pulls its head out of its behind then I will be well prepared to advance in technology in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. You vent Rodney! I have had my moments being angry but now it's challenging myself about what little things can I do to connect their content learning with the support of technology tools. You may encourage them to create a content related assignment and send it in to your e-mail at school. You might start a blog with just their names in it and create some fun assignments for them to engage in. Perhaps you have a small group within a group that may want to work on a digital story during their off times in school. What a proud moment it will be when they present it.
    You must get past this. Victoria
