Sunday, January 31, 2010

GAME Plan Week 4

After revisiting my GAME plan for integrating technology into my area of instruction. I teach health, PE, and one section of world history. In my health class I have done a cross curriculum activity using video and video editing to construct health promotional ads. I was discussing this with a classmate during our discussion portion of this weeks lesson. I thinking of how I could implement this type of lesson in either my PE class or world history. I believe the easier of the two would be PE because of the relationship with health, but I really want to focus on the world history.

Ever since I watched the movie Teachers, I have often wondered how a role playing activity would assist my students with grasping the concepts of unit and the people involved in constructing our world history. Each unit always has at least ten or more key characters that play major roles and at least another ten that may have had an influence on that particular era. I would like to see my students either create a promotional ad for instance the crusades, the inquisition, or the Roman Empire. I think the students could research the any background information construct a dialog, storyboards, and a video presentation. Students could work in teams or pairs to develop their assignment. This project based activity would definitely be fun as well as informative for my students.

What have I learned so far?
I have learned that technology can and will be an important part of a 21st century learning experience. I have also learned that you need to have a focus of why technology is going to be implemented into a lesson.

What questions have arised?
Will my district ever provide enough funds to increase the volume of availability of technology. As of right now, I would have to say no. It will be a difficult task to begin to explore more lessons that are student based with the of technology if the resources are unavailable.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


As I begin the journey of setting a GAME plan for a digital experience I have to reflect on the many years of teaching without the use or even the thought of technology. I see a resource that had to be gathered in a library, periodicals, and micro film. Now with one click of a button you have the whole world to explore for information and resources. As I was searching through the ISTE and the NETS-T I was thinking about how I can become a more proficient teacher when it comes to implimenting technology into my everyday teaching.

I looked at two of the standards I would like to improve upon and set new goals for myself to follow through with them those where standard one and three. The first is 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. I teach at an At-Risk high school. My students have a difficult time thinking outside the box and using any creativity when it comes to learning. I know at times it is up to me to model to my students and believe me I try, but it has not been with use of technology or a digital experience. It has been difficult in my building because our technology is so limited and unfunded. I know personally I have to move outside the box myself and take some risk to try to get my more involved in 21st century learning. I would definitely would like to use standard one to impliment more real world issues in my world history class. In that class I know that there are many occasions where the use of technology could be used to explore issues of the past that can resolve or compared to an issue from the present. The interent can be a tool to do just that. There are plenty of sites, webquest or other resources that can help students explore the web and find valid information to support their arguements. The second is 3. Model digital age work and learning. at this point in time with the district grading program and email accounts it has been much easier to communicate with parents on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis without setting up a person to person meeting. The only draw back is you are not setting a personal relationship with the parents of the students. I still feel it is important to have that relationship and sometimes it can because of technology that has been lost. I know that I do most of my lesson, quizzes, PowerPoints, and test using some technolgy. All of the grading and attendance is all on a computer program and even now our students are doing credit recovery over the internet using a program called E 20/20. The problem I have is trying to master all of this. I am 43 years old and at times I feel uncomfortable or I guess I lack confidence in my abilities because some of this technology I just do not understand or have practiced it enough. That Is why I am doing my masters in technology so i can improve and learn more skills so I con model it for students with confidence.

To monitor my progress I intend to keep a daily journal of when I use technology and when I should have used technology and then refelect each week on how to improve upon what I did or did not do. To improve upon this I intend to see what other teachers are doing, ask about ways that I can use technology and what is the best avenue to take when creating a digital learning experience. i have some of my own ideas, but I want to be confident in them and jump outside my limited technology box and dive right in.